1. Formalization of Artisanal Miners
2. Mineral Buying Center Registration
1. Annual Reclamation Statement
2. Closure/Decommissioning Plan
3. Community Development Agreement
6. Environmental Impact Assessment
7. Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation Fund
2. Application for Blasting Certificate
3. Application for Deposit Tailing
4. Application for disposal of Minerals Won under an exploration licence
5. Application to Abandon or Cease Production
6. Approved Responsible Person in Charge Of Explosives
7. Exemption from payment of Customs and Imports Duty (Waiver) on Mining Machinery and Equipment
8. Licence to Manufacture Explosives
10. License to Possess & Purchase Minerals
11. Licensing of Bulk Emulsion Trucks (Mobile Magazines)
12. Licensing of Explosives Storage Facilities
14. Permit to Export Minerals for Commercial Purpose
15. Permit to Export Sample for Analysis
16. Permit to Import Explosives (Oil and Gas Servicing Companies)
17. Permit to Mix and Use ANFO
18. Permit to Mix and Use Bulk Emulsion
19. Prior Clearance to erect Explosives Storage Facilities
20. Registration of a Mineral Processor
21. Registration of Agents for Movement of Minerals
22. Special Permit to buy Explosives and Blast outside Approved Mining Title Area
23. Submission of Minimum Work Programme